RadASM addins
(10-01-2005) |
AddinMana, AdvEdit, AlexMenu, asciiTab, AsmVars, AutoCorrect, BitMask, CodeTemplates, Collapse, Colref, CppParse, CreateProject, CreateProto, CreateProtoEx, CtrlNames, DialogPreview, DlgToWin, DragProp, e-help, FlipCase, FontBuilder, MakeDef, NoteTools, Preview, ProjectZip, PthExpl++, raASCII, raBitMask, RADbg, RadFavs, RadHelp, RADToolBar, raGColor, ReallyRad, Res2Dlg, SourceSafe, TbrCreate, Tutorials, Version-Inc, WAmpCtrl | addins.zip (630K) |
RadASM NSIS installer addin
(02-02-2005) |
Created by minor28 | NSISScriptEditor050202.zip (69K) |
RadASM COM tool addin
(07-23-2005) |
Created by minor28 | ComTool050723.zip (209K) |
RadASM / Masm32 Gdi+ package
(03-08-2005) |
Created by Alonso Murillo | gdi+ for masm.zip (288K) |
Graphics library. Loads jpg, dib, ico, png, bmp, wmf, gif and emf.
(08-14-2006) |
Created by aRC | aRC_GraphicEx.zip (322K) |
RAList custom control.
(08-14-2006) |
Created by Faisur | RaList.zip (358K) |
RadASM custom controls
(05-29-2008) |
CodeComplete, ColorCtrl, CustTut, DrawProgress, FileBrowser, GradProgress, Header, HLink, MenuButton, RAProperty, RAGraph, RAVideo, SpreadSheet, WebBrowser | custctl.zip (1005K) |
vkim's debug macros
(09-26-2002) |
DbgWin.hlp, Debug.inc, Debug.lib, Debug Demos | debug.zip (231K) |
Using the LPT port
(05-18-2006) |
Tutorials using Inpout32.dll | Led-y-Asm.zip (149K) |
Simple games
(05-25-2004) |
Aliens, Snake, Volcano | games.zip (35K) |
Image handling
(04-07-2005) |
AviCap, AviPlay, GridBrush, IcoCtl, ImageButton, ImageLib, Mag, Paint, PrintWin, RotBit, ScreenMag, Twain | image.zip (130K) |
Various demos / tuts
(09-08-2005) |
BinFlp, ComboBoxEx, CtlColor, FindWord, HotKey, Konzole, MdiTest, Module, MonthView, ODBCTest, ODListBox, ODStatusBar, PlayMidi, PlaySound, ReBar, RichEditEditor, SpaceTrim, TabDemo, TrackBar, TreeViewDir, UserControl, WizDemo | demo.zip (217K) |
(01-31-2003) |
Masm Error Lookup Tool by Gunner | Download here |
(12-01-2008) |
Simple masm code editor and RAEdit with source. | simed.zip (255K) |
(04-19-2005) |
Simple hex editor and RAHexEd with source. | hexed.zip (97K) |
ResEd version
(10-09-2008) |
Simple resource editor and RAResEd with source. | resed.zip (587K) |
MasmEd version
(09-04-2008) |
SimEd, ResEd and HexEd in one IDE. An ideal asm IDE for beginners. | masmed.zip (529K) |
RAGrid version
(05-04-2006) |
Advanced grid, editable cells. With demos and full source. | grid.zip (273K) |
(11-24-2004) |
Simple cad custom control. | simcad.zip (47K) |
Custom control useage examples
(07-29-2004) |
VB6, VC6, VC71 and hla examples. | custdemo.zip (175K) |